Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Should I plug ACScout into a surge protector?
A: No. It is best to plug ACScout into an unprotected wall outlet so that it can see the state of the unconditioned raw power.
Q: Can I plug ACScout into a UPS system?
A: Yes. And ACScout will record the quality of your uninterruptible power systems and you may additionally want to plug an ACScout in the raw power so you can gauge the effectiveness of your UPS system.
Q: Does ACScout need to be plugged into the computer and UPS interface all the time?
A: No. After initial setup of the ACScout unit, you can place the unit in any environment with an AC power outlet.
Q: I have outages in various parts of my building and cannot isolate what is going on. What can I do?
A: Multiple ACScouts can be positioned on your questionable circuits to record simultaneously your root power problems.
Q: Our staff does not know much about our power here. Can anyone use this unit?
A: Yes. ACScout was built for ease of use for the end user.
Q: I hooked ACScout up to an old version of Windows™ and it did not work.
A: We only support current versions of Windows with all the patches and Windows XP/XP Pro™ with patches.
Q: We have a real crisis here. How quickly can we get an ACScout and if we cannot figure it out, can you help us?
A: We ship priority mail for free, after receipt of order. You can contact us via Email or by phone. We will respond within two business days.